Spectral database index

This page lists in alphabetical order all existing entries within the database, followed in the other columns by other record identifiers such as sample ID, material class, chemical information, and spectral data. From this list, users can click on the links associated with each spectral data to get the information for each reference material. Users can toggle between the existing data entries by clicking on the data type buttons - XRF, FTIR, or Raman Spectrum. An interactive spectra viewer that allows users to visualize and analyze the spectra of each sample is available on each individual record file page.

Search results

Found 918 items.

Current Page: 21

Please click on the spectral data links available below to view the interactive spectrum and sample details.

Record   Sample ID Material Class   Chemical Information Spectral data
Magnesite PK11900 Mineral pigments Magnesium carbonate, MgCO3
Wernerite PK12700 Mineral pigments Pale gray to white mineral, which is merged with Diopside
Diopside PK12720 Mineral pigments CaMgSi2O6
Malachite (stone) PK103005 Mineral pigments Copper hydroxide carbonate / Cu2(CO3)(OH)2
Azurite (stone) PK102005 Mineral pigments Basic blue copper carbonate, Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2
Cinnabar (stone) PK106205 Mineral pigments Mercury sulfide / HgS
Lapis Lazuli (stone) PK105005 Mineral pigments (Na,Ca)8[(SO4,S,Cl)2(AlSiO4)6]
Aegirine (large piece) PK111405 Mineral pigments NaFeSi2O6
Celadonite (stone) PK112505 Mineral pigments K(Mg, Fe2+)Fe3+(Si4O10)(OH)2
Mountain Crystal (stone) PK114005 Mineral pigments Pure quartz, SiO2
Fuchsite (stone) PK114205 Mineral pigments Chromium muscovite / K(Al,Cr)3Si3O10(OH)2
Red Moroccan Ochre (large piece) PK1164305 Mineral pigments Natural red earth from Morocco / SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3
Selenite (stone) PK118005 Mineral pigments CaSO4·2H2O
Sodalite (stone) PK1042005 Mineral pigments Sodium aluminium silicate, Na4(Si3Al3)O12Cl
Pyrite (stone) PK109205 Mineral pigments Iron pyrite / FeS2
Nero Bernino (stone) PK112825 Mineral pigments Gray-green slate
Alba Albula (stone) PK112835 Mineral pigments CaCO3
Côte d´Azur Violet (stone) PK113505 Mineral pigments Fe2O3
Slate Green from Mels (stone) PK113545 Mineral pigments K[(Al,FeIII),(FeII,Mg](AlSi3,Si4)O10(OH)2
Gray from Mels (stone) PK113565 Mineral pigments Natural gray earth / Fe2O3 + SiO2 + Al2O3 + CaO + MgO
Brown-Red Slate (stone) PK113605 Mineral pigments Mica-like, hard slate, colored brownish-red by iron and manganese
Onyx Black (stone) PK116705 Mineral pigments SiO2
Black Chalk (large piece) PK12450 Mineral pigments Natural black slate with a high carbon content
Mica Flakes (fine, gold-copper) PK53203 Mineral pigments Calcined muscovite
Mica Flakes (medium, gold-copper) PK53205 Mineral pigments Calcined muscovite