Open Science

The INFRA-ART Spectral Library follows the European Commission’s recommendation on access to scientific information as well as the FAIR Guiding Principles on research data that result from publicly funded research. This resource supports cross-disciplinary research and reliable re-use of research data for research, innovation, and educational purposes. The INFRA-ART database is targeted to the cultural heritage research community as well as to other specialists in the field of art history, conservation, and materials science.


The INFRA-ART Spectral Library is part of the services offered by the Romanian hub within E-RIHS - The European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science. INFRA-ART is featured as a DIGILAB service for heritage scientists and other heritage-related professionals that work with non-invasive and minimally-invasive spectroscopic techniques. The DIGILAB infrastructure facilitates online access to tools and data hubs for heritage research – including measurement results, analytical data and documentation, and was designed in accordance with the policies and strategies concerning scientific data, including the FAIR data principles, the Open Research Data policy, and the EOSC strategy.

EOSC Portal

The INFRA-ART Spectral Library was registered as a resource within the Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Portal for higher visibility and increased FAIRness. The EOSC Portal is part of the EOSC implementation roadmap and has been developed as an open multi-disciplinary environment for hosting and processing research data to support EU science. You can find more information about EOSC here.

In accordance with the Guidelines on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in Horizon 2020, the INFRA-ART Spectral Library was also registered in - Registry of Research Data Repositories, a global registry of research data repositories that covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines. A digital object identifier (a unique and persistent identifier) was assigned to the INFRA-ART datasets via Re3data, allowing increased findability of the research data.